Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Linguist’s Calendar: June 20

Alfred Kroeber, father of
Ursula K. LeGuin

June 20

1913: Commenting on their own attempts to simplify John Wesley Powell’s classification of American Indian languages, Alfred Kroeber writes to Edward Sapir that “we have finally got Powell’s old fifty-eight families on the run, and the farther we can drive them into a heap, the more fun and profit”

1938: Andorra decides that official advertising must be in Catalan.

1950: In Pravda, Stalin publishes a piece which dismisses pretty much everything that Nikolai Yakovlevich Marr—until then the guru of Soviet linguistics—had ever said. As the column was graphically in­di­stin­gui­shable from other entries on the same page, it took an attentive reader to realize that what was claimed was the new Truth.

1961: Samuel Kirk and James McCarthy publish an experimental edition of the “Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities”, used in diagnosing learning disabilities.

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